Hi Bruce,

I think you might want to reconsider looping over the field names.  You are 
trying to insert multiple fields while looping over fields one at a time --  
I don't think that will work.

If you know how many groups of fields are coming from the form (the last 
number on the end of _ on your fields), you could do something like below. 
For example you have 4 groups of NAME, PHONE and EMAIL fields, 
form.numgroups would be 4.  There is probably a loop in your form that is 
generating the dynamic fields so you would pass that value as a hidden form 
variable.  Below is not tested but I think you'll have more luck if you go 
down that road.

<cfloop from="1" to="#form.numgroups#" index="i">
    <cfset namefield = "NAME_" & i>
    <cfset phonefield = "PHONE_" & i>
    <cfset emailfield = "EMAIL_" & i>

    <cfquery datasource="#Application.dsource#">
     INSERT INTO tblElection_Committee
    (Proc_ID, Name, Phone, Email)
    VALUES (#Session.Procedure_ID#
        <cfif len(StructFind(form, namefield))>
        ,#StructFind(form, namefield)#
       , ''

        <cfif len(StructFind(form, phonefield))>
        ,#StructFind(form, phonefield)#
           , ''

        <cfif len(StructFind(form, emailfield))>
        ,#StructFind (form,emailfield)#
           , ''

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