Hi Robert,
I think the problem is that your dates are not in ODBC date format.

Try something like this:

<cfset Today = now()> <!--- should automatically be in ODBC date format --->
<cfset Yesterday = DateAdd("d",-1,Today)> <!--- Notice it's 'd' not 'dd' 

<cfquery name="get" datasource="barracuda_log">
    SELECT *
    FROM message_log_20391
    WHERE timereceived BETWEEN #Yesterday# AND #Today#

I think this will work for you.


Orlini, Robert wrote:
> I have a SQL statement that searches a date/time field in MS Access which has 
> data such as "12/20/2006 10:02:18 AM". I want to display dates between the 
> current day and one day behind.
> This statement keeps giving me 0 records. 
> <cfset month = #dateformat(now(),"mm")#>
> <cfset year = #dateformat(now(),"yyyy")#>
> <cfset year2 = #dateformat(now(),"yyyy")#>
> <cfset month2 = #dateformat(now(),"mm")#>
> <cfset day = #dateformat(now(),"dd")#>
> <cfset day2 = DateFormat(Now(),"dd")-1>
> <CFSET today = Createdate(Year,Month,day)> 
> <CFSET onedaybehind = Createdate(Year2,Month2,day2)>  
> <CFQUERY name="get" datasource="barracuda_log">
> SELECT * FROM message_log_20391
> where timereceived between #onedaybehind# and #today#
> I also tried this suggestion:
> <CFSET today = Createdatetime(Year,Month,day, 23, 59, 59)>
> <cfset onedaybehind = createDateTime(year2, month2, day2, 0, 0, 0) /> 
> But still 0 records.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Robert O.

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