No need to escape that, it'll work as is. It may look funny in editors, but
"<" is fine.

But what you really don't need are the #'s around string.

--- Ben

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Colman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Two questions

1) if I want to do a replace where the character to be replaced is a forward
or backward angle bracket "<" or ">" then I assume that this will not work:

  <cfset name = replace(#string1#, "<","", "ALL")>

How do I "escape" the bracket character to make it work?

2) this is from the CFFILE doc for action="read":

It is not intended for use with large files, such as logs, because this can
bring down the server.

Will a 500K text file "bring down the server?"

TNX for any thoughts.

Rick Colman


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