So I have found a bug in AjaxCFC and I am not sure if it is known or
not.  When passing more than 9 inputs into your AJAX call, they are
sorted wrong like so:


Input 0

Input 1

Input 10

Input 11

Input 12

Input 13

Input 2

Input 3

Input 4

Input 5

Input 6

Input 7

Input 8

Input 9


10, 11 etc as text are alphabetically before 2, 3, 4 etc.  And of course
0 and 1 would be first.


Turns out the offending bit of code is in the parseURL function, where
an array of parameters is sorted AS TEXT like so:

<cfset arraySort(paramsArray, 'textnocase') />


Has anyone had this happen to them before?  My work around until I fixed
the function was just to build a JS object and pass it in as the only
input, which then simply becomes the arguments struct where the keys
equal the attributes of the inputted object.


My new parseURL function is below.  It is one of a few ways to solve the
problem, but it would allow for unlimited inputs as long as the internal
naming conventions never change.


I E-mailed Rob Gonda, but I haven't heard back from him.  There also
appears to be a bug Report at the RIAForge Forums.  I suppose I should
post there as well.




<cffunction name="parseURL" access="private" output="No">

            <cfargument name="objURL" required="Yes" type="struct" />


                        <cfset var params = arrayNew(1) />

                        <cfset var numParams = 0 />

                        <cfset var i = 0 />

                        <cfset var result = structNew() />



                        <!--- Count the number of times "C0-PARAM"
exists.  This is the number of input params. --->

                        <cfset numParams =
","),"C0-PARAM[0-9]*","C0-PARAM","all"), "C0-PARAM" , ",")>


                        <!--- Go and get them all in the CORRECT order.

                        <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#numParams#"

                                                <cfset params[i] =
parseParam( objURL["C0-PARAM"&i-1] ) />




                        <cfset var paramsArray = StructKeyArray(objURL)


                        <!--- This line will MIS-SORT all parameters
over 9 --->

                        <cfset arraySort(paramsArray, 'textnocase') />


                        <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(paramsArray)#"

                                    <cfif left(paramsArray[i], 8) eq

arrayAppend(params, parseParam( objURL[paramsArray[i]] ) ) />





                        <cfset result.method =
duplicate(objURL['C0-METHODNAME']) />

                        <cfset = duplicate(objURL['C0-ID']) />

                        <cfset result.params = params />

            <cfreturn result />


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