>  >>Yes. But why would would you want to automatically download code
> there?
> To make sure that a programmer will get the last version before he
> starts working on a file.
> At least, this should be checked by the system when a user request a
> lock on a file.

Making sure that you are working on the latest version of a file is not
automatic, but does not hurt anything if it is not the latest either.
When the developer attempts to commit their changes, SVN will simply
notify them that their code is out of date and force them to update
their local copy prior to committing.  When they update, any conflicts
will be caught, merged / fixed, and they are then free to commit the

I think this is beginning to become a relentless circle of you
challenging source control systems and people that use them offering up
solutions to the challenges you propose.  In any event, you have heard
from every response that a SCM tool will solve the problems you are
facing as well as many problems you have YET to face.  Each SCM tool
that has been proposed (CVS, SVN, VSS), now it is just a matter of
deciding which will best suit your needs.  I've personally given you
advice based on experience walking the road that you seem to be
currently on.  You can take it or discard it, but the answers from this
list are going to stay the same:  You need a source control tool.  And
the 3 that are most widely used are:

SVN - Based on CVS and addresses some of its shortcomings
CVS - Tried and true with some small limitations.
VSS - M$'s SCM and IMO a pain to work with.


Rich Kroll

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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