
Since the list doesn't allow attachments, is your cfqueryparam tag available
via a URL?


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Porter, Benjamin L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 8:58 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: cfqueryparam DECREASES performance?
>CFQueryParam can indeed decrease performance. If you look at what
>happens when you use CFQueryParam versus just passing in variables it
>makes sense. CFQueryParam transforms any passed variables into bind
>variables. In MSSQL it is the same as declaring a variable, setting it
>and then using that in the query. IE
>               Id,
>               Description
>FROM           Product
>WHERE          ProductID = 2
>VS (with query param )
>DECLARE @P1 int
>SET @P1 = 2
>               Id,
>               Description
>FROM           Product
>WHERE          ProductID = @P1
>CF then uses a stored procedure spprepexec to try to force the dbms to
>precompile the sql statement into an execution plan for faster execution
>on subsequent calls. This is where you lose performance often. If your
>database does not have enough memory to store all of the prepared
>statements you will be essentially running the query 2x every time you
>call it. Once to generate the execution plan once to actually run it.
>The same thing happens if the query is not called often enough. IE in
>the case of reports run infrequently. The database will clear the
>execution plan for your query since it is not used often to make room
>for other queries.  I would recommend writing a custom tag to replace
>cfqueryparam when used with infrequent long running reports. A query
>that takes 100 ms to run, is no big deal if it has to be recompiled once
>and a while. A query that runs for 3 minutes can be a major problem if
>it takes 2x as long 50% of the time. I wish Adobe would rewrite this
>functionality to take an optional parameter to specify whether to use sp
>prep exec.
>I've attached a custom tag I wrote to replace cfqueryparam in these
>cases. User beware it is not fully tested, and not as secure as
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Greg Luce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:01 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: cfqueryparam DECREASES performance?
>OK, I must have something wrong here. I've only heard good things about
>cfqueryparam on this list for both security and performance. A client
>me an ugly report that times out for them. I spent an hour going through
>and applying cfqueryparams to each variable in the many queries with
>appropriate datatypes. I threw a cfsetting tag in to increase the
>timeout and the report runs in roughly about 512687 ms, restarted MSSQL
>server and CFMX7, then with the cfqueryparams the same query that was
>running in 5282ms in the old code, now takes 15094ms.
>Any ideas?

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