
Several folks on the ajaxCFC mailing list have commented on 
documentation like you suggest, but nobody (as far as I know; myself 
included) has stepped up to the plate to help Rob with documentation 
despite a desire to do so. I'm guessing that folks are just really busy. 
I agree that some time should be made for documentation.

As for debugging your code, all you did to the code you posted below was 
change this:

function jsReturn(r) {

to this:
function jsReturn(r) {

.... and that's all? That produces the error you got? Hmm... what does firebug 
say? What version of firebug are you using? If you're not using the beta, you 
might want to grab it from it's very slick.

I'd be interested to know what it has to say. Have you tried this in IE? Does 
it produce similar results?

What happens if you replace document.write(r) with alert(r)? BTW, I'm not sure 
anyone uses document.write for much. I could be wrong there, though. 


Ioannis Papanikolaou wrote:
> Hello everyone for once again,
> After the extremely helpful comments of Dan (the fireGub enlightment) and, 
> Chris and Jordan on the actual use of ajaxCFC, I have manage to move on 
> another issue. The idea   of Ajax is quite clear at the moment in my head and 
> I have manage to make a request to the server, receive a response and handle 
> it....  almost..... 
> The following example worked 100% ok:
> test.cfc
> <cfcomponent extends="ajax">
>       <cffunction name="GetCurrentTime" returntype="string" output="true">
> <cfset var szTime = TimeFormat(Now(), "h:mm:ss tt")>
> <cfsavecontent variable="jsReturn"><cfoutput>
>                       Aftin tin ora:#szTime# Ton lene <h1>PSILO</h1>
>               </cfoutput></cfsavecontent>
>               <cfreturn jsReturn />
> </cffunction>
> </cfcomponent>
> - - - - - - - 
> test.cfm
> <!--<script type="text/javascript">
>                       function content()      {
>                               // send data to CF
>                               DWRUtil.useLoadingMessage();
> DWREngine._execute(_ajaxConfig._cfscriptLocation, null, 'GetCurrentTime', 
> null, jsReturn);
>                               }
>                       function jsReturn(r) {
>                              sDumper(r);
>                              }                        
>               </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <a href="#"class="links"onClick='content();'>pos ton lene</a></li>-->
> - - - - 
> When I am trying to replace the sDumper(r) with document.write(r);
> then I am getiing the most unsuall alert message 
> "typeError: $("disabledZone")has no properties" and even though the requested 
> content displayed the browser keeps loading for ever and freezes (you cannot 
> refresh it). 
> I ve check the internet for the error but no much of a result.
> Any ideas more than welcome.
> ( I am thinking to document a Ajaxcfc newbie problems trilogy ) 
> Please participate
> hahaha
> thanx Ioannis

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