
<cfset variable="Some text to convert here">

<cfset newword="">
<cfloop list="#variable# index=word delimiter=" ">
        <cfset newword=ListAppend(newword, UCase(Left(word, 1)) & Right(word,
Len(word)-1), " ")>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Bevill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 14:50
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Capitalize First Letter of Each Word
> John McKown,
> Here ya go man.  I only had about 10 mins to write this, hope it works. :)
> <!--- l33t w3rd fixer v1.0 --->
> <!--- Jeff Bevill - [EMAIL PROTECTED] --->
> <cfset Variable="UnBeLiEvAbLe">
> <cfif isDefined("Variable") and Len(Variable) GT 0>
>       <cfset in="1">
>       <cfset out="0">
>       <cfset word_state=out>
>       <cfset NewStr="">
>       <cfset is_space=false>
>       <cfloop index=i from=1 to=#Len(Variable)#>
>               <cfset Character=Mid(Variable, i, 1)>
>               <cfif Character is " ">
>                       <cfset word_state=out>
>                       <cfset NewStr=NewStr & Character>
>               <cfelseif Asc(Character) GE Asc("a") and
> Asc(Character) LE Asc("z") and
> word_state EQ out>
>                       <cfset word_state=in>
>                       <cfset NewStr=NewStr & UCase(Character)>
>               <cfelseif Asc(Character) GE Asc("A") and
> Asc(Character) LE Asc("Z") and
> word_state EQ in>
>                       <cfset NewStr=NewStr & LCase(Character)>
>               <cfelse>
>                       <cfset word_state=in>
>                       <cfset NewStr=NewStr & Character>
>               </cfif>
>       </cfloop>
>       <cfset Variable=NewStr>
> </cfif>
> <cfoutput>#Variable#</cfoutput>
> Jeff Bevill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John McKown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 6:35 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Capitalize First Letter of Each Word
> Can someone share a script that will capitalize the
> first letter of every word entered into a form field?
> John McKown, VP Business Services
> Delaware.Net, Inc.
> 30 Old Rudnick Lane, Suite 200 Dover, DE 19901
> phone: 302-736-5515
> fax: 302-736-5945
> icq: 1495432
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