I think Charlie's post about adding the row number [1] to your function when 
you're creating the struct may close the hole back up.  Did you give that a 

-- Josh

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Issue with "not of type numeric" when sending value to CFC

> Well Josh, it's time to get your space helmet, because indeed there is a
> gaping hole (as best I can tell anyway) :). My sample code defines a
> recordset with just a single row, with a type of numeric, and a valid 
> value.
> After all, here's my test code:
> <!--- Get a query --->
> <cfset rs = QueryNew("ID,FirstName", "integer,varchar") />
> <cfset QueryAddRow(rs) />
> <cfset QuerySetCell(rs, "ID", 3) />
> <cfset QuerySetCell(rs, "FirstName", "Daniel") />
> <cfset TestStruct = StructNew() />
> <cfloop list="#rs.ColumnList#" index="col">
>    <cfset TestStruct[col] = rs[col] />
> </cfloop>
> <cfdump var="#TestStruct#" />
> <!--- Pass the newly created struct into the object to run each 
> setter --->
> <cfset MyObject = CreateObject("component",
> "cfcs.test").init(ArgumentCollection = TestStruct) />
> <cfdump var="#MyObject.getSnapShot()#" />
> As you can see, I'm generating a super simply query, and then passing it
> into the object, and somewhere along the line CF is getting completely
> confused about the type...
> Dan
> On 1/4/07 4:39 PM, "Josh Nathanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've only gotten this error when I've accidentally passed a null value 
>> (for
>> example the query returned empty) and it's expecting a numeric.
>> Make sure that when you're initially building the structure from the 
>> query,
>> that you're indeed passing in all the values you expect, by dumping the
>> query before you convert it into a struct.  Then, after conversion into 
>> the
>> struct, dump the struct as well to make sure it's still the right value.
>> I'd be surprised if it was actually failing on a numeric value.  This 
>> would
>> open a hole in the time-space continuum.
>> -- Josh
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Daniel Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 2:23 PM
>> Subject: Issue with "not of type numeric" when sending value to CFC
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a blog post which details my problem here:
>>> http://www.dansshorts.com/?day=1/4/2007#blog360
>>> What's happening is that if I take a recordset row, and build a 
>>> structure
>>> based on it's columns, and then pass that structure as an
>>> ArgumentCollection
>>> to a CFC, the method tosses a "not of type numeric" on a value that is
>>> indeed numeric.
>>> Has anyone else seen a problem like this? The only way around it has 
>>> been
>>> to
>>> set the type to "any" and then just accept any old crap that someone 
>>> wants
>>> to pass in.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
>>> Daniel Short
>>> Web Application Architect
>>> lynda.com, Inc.

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