> Dave, using your code, what I have below works in Firefox, 
> but not IE. Any ideas? Thanks a bunch, Che.
> <script language="JavaScript"><!--
> if (!window.opener) {
>       document.write('<a href=\"http://www.mydomain.com\";><span
> style=\"font-family: Verdana; font-weight: Bold;\">Purchase 
> This Product at MyDomain.com</span></a>');
> }
> else {
>       document.write('<form name=\"popupForm\" 
> onSubmit=\"return closeWindow()\"><input type=\"image\" 
> src=\"images/b_CloseWindow.gif\"
> alt=\"Close Window\" border=\"0\"></form>'); } //--></script>

What exactly happens in IE? Does it fail to write, or does it write the
wrong thing, or does something else happen?

You don't have to escape your double quotes in a string delimited by single
quotes. That may well be the source of your problem.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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