You could also add a RowNumber column to your query:

<cfset QueryAddColumn(qSomeQuery, "RowNumber") >
<cfloop from="1" to="qSomeQuery.RecordCount" index="RowNumber" >
  <cfset QuerySetCell(qSomeQuery, "RowNumber", RowNumber, RowNumber) >

Then, do:
<cfquery name="qMyQuery" dbtype="query">
    SELECT *
    FROM qSomeQuery
    WHERE RowNumber >= 21 AND RowNumber < 41
    ORDERY BY LastName

Not sure what the performance hit on doing this would be.


On 1/5/07, Dave Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if it's possible to extract a 'subset' of records in a query 
> utilizing Query of Queries?  Basically I want to do something like this:
> <cfquery name="qMyQuery" dbtype="query">
>     SELECT *
>     FROM qSomeQuery
>     WHERE currentRow >= 21 AND currentRow < 41
>     ORDERY BY LastName
> </cfquery>
> Of course, this doesn't work because currentrow does not specify the row 
> number inside of a Query, only when you are working with the query results 
> directly (like qSomeQuery.currentRow).
> Anyone know how this is possible?  The only thing I can think of doing is 
> something like this:
> <cfoutput name="qSomeQuery" startRow="21" maxrows="40">
>    *** In here I would build a new query with only the rows available as I 
> loop through with functions like queryAddRow() and querySetCell().
> </cfoutput>
> This idea would not be very efficient, so I'm looking for an alternative 
> method.
> Thanks for your help in advance!
> Dave

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