
I found the solution 


Is my friend. I got all parameter I want !!

Thanks to you


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jon Clausen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 6. Januar 2007 04:19
An: CF-Talk
Betreff: Re: Getting parameter to CF


Do you have any rewrite rules configured?  If so, the method of accessing
your path variable depends on the Rewrite Rule.  For example, I have this
rewrite rule in one of my apps:

RewriteRule ^www/go/(.*) /go.cfm?path=/go/$1&$2 [L,PT]

When that rule was in effect, any path information after the /go/ would be
accessed with the CGI.QUERY_STRING variable.

If you don't have a rewrite rule in effect, you can simply access that
through the CGI.SCRIPT_NAME variable by using the "/" as a list delimiter.

In your case with your url (www.testesttest.com/[PARAMETER1]/? 
Your CGI.SCRIPT_NAME would be  "/[PARAMETER1]/index.cfm"

You could get Parameter1 with:

<cfset parameter1 = listFirst(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME,"/")>


On Jan 5, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Daniel Hikel wrote:

> Hello,
> I searched the internet and some documentation about getting a 
> parameter direct to coldfusion, but till know it does not working.
> I am opening my internetpage:
> www.testesttest.com/[PARAMETER1]/?testvar1=daniel&testvar2=peter
> The url bevause of different parameter1 does not existing that while 
> im using an .htaccess file with modrewrite
> RewriteEngine on
> ErrorDocument 404 /channel/index.cfm
> # END
> Till now I used the rewrite and javascript to get PARAMETER1 but the 
> other url-parameter got lost.
> JS-Script today:
> <script>
>               text = self.location.href;
>               text= text.replace(/http:\/\//,"");
>               text= text.replace(/#cgi.http_host#\//,"");
>               location.href =
> 'http://#cgi.http_host#/channel/index.cfm?channel='+text;
> </script>
> So is there a better way to get the parameter1 and all the other 
> parameters?
> I thought to get the parameter from an cgi. Variable but I found no 
> suitable one.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
> Daniel

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