
I hope I'm understanding you correctly; but I'm assuming you mean that the
form data, taken together, essentially constitutes a "record" in your data
source. If so, I think you want to use a "transfer object" that receives and
carries that data along.

While I'm not educated enough to give you a good explanation of transfer
objects, value objects and beans, they can all provide an object that lets
you move the data around. And you'll find lots of discussion of them on the
CFC-DEV list, and on the lists for Model-Glue, Mach-II, Reactor, Transfer,
et al.

In your case, you'd need to place the form data into the transfer object (if
it's a bean, it would have methods like getHeadline() and setHeadline(), for
instance). Some frameworks like Model-Glue and Mach-II can populate these
objects automatically as long as the form field names match the names in the

Once you have the object populated, you can do anything you want: you can
save it to your database (by passing to a DAO), you can turn around and feed
it to a page that displays a preview, or you can send it to an Edit form for

To answer your question a little further, yes, you would need another layer
(or two) to handle the form data, populate the bean, then decide what to do
with it. The DAO would just handle the INSERT or UPDATE when it was time to
do so.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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