I think you're right... I'll probably use the login of the user
to identify them in the database and just put the DSN and
website they're updating in the db...

Just thought there might be a more automated way to do
this with CGI variables, but I've seen that they're apparently
not reliable/consistent enough for my purposes.

Thanks for the feedback.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peterson, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: App Organizational Question...

Honestly, I would not rely on CGI.Anything to identify your users.  Ask
them to sign in once, or select their domain on the front end, and just
create a cookie on their machine.  

If you have some other reason to stick with the CGI.HTTP_HOST, then I
would look into doing a <cfswitch> statement, with a default of some
generic DSN so a user wont generate an error coming from some place you
are not expecting.

Just my $.02

Chris Peterson
Gainey Corporation 

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2

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