SWEET!  I knew you guys would know more about it than me!  :-)

Thank you Jacob!

On 1/11/07, Jacob Munson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > In DW, it has a really cool option that allows you to find/replace text
> in
> > every file throughout the site/project - whether the file is currently
> > opened of not.  Is there any such feature somewhere in
> Eclipse/CFeclipse?
> >
> Yes.  In the navigator, highlight the folder you want to search in, and
> hit
> Ctrl+h.  Under 'Scope' on the search screen that comes up, make sure
> "Selected resources" is marked.
> --
> My Sites:
> http://www.techfeed.net/blog/
> http://www.cfquickdocs.com/
> http://cfformprotect.riaforge.org/

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