
This is a bad combination because they result in a cleartext communication
> and even a cleartext password. Best would be to install a certificate and
> use hostssl instead of host, but at least you should use md5 instead of
> psssword.

Thank you for the tip on the ssl/md5/password issue.  At the moment, I am
setting this up on a server purely for my testing purposes, and the server
in question does not have an SSL cert.  I did however change it to 'md5'.

You don't need to restart the service, you can signal it with "pg_ctl
> reload".

I ran the 'pg_ctl reload' command, and it returned the following message:

pg_ctl: no database directory specified and environment variable PGDATA

I then ran the 'pg_ctl --help' command (as instructed), but I'm not
intelligent enough to figure out what the issue is from the info that it
responded with.  ;-)

> Now that the correct port is open, virtually instantly upon trying to
> > connect, I receive the following error message:
> >
> > "Connection failed: FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file"
> That should have generated an error in PostgreSQLs log file or even the
> Event Log. Does that error give a line number?

The log files show the following:

LOG:  invalid IP mask "password" in file "C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data/pg_hba.conf" line 72: Unknown host

After changing the METHOD to md5, the log files show the updated, but
virtually identical message:

LOG:  invalid IP mask "md5" in file "C:/Program
Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/data/pg_hba.conf" line 72: Unknown host

Restore your backup of pg_hba.conf, signal the server and try to connect
> locally. Then try your modifications to pg_hba.conf and try to connect
> locally again. Then try connecting remotely.

Connecting locally is still a breeze.  Remotely, well, I'm obviously still
doing something wrong :-)

Thank you for your assistance in my education.


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