I will use Model-Glue for this example.

You typically have a master template.  This master template has set areas to
load document information.  These areas are very similar to cfincludes, but
the framework has a view collection.  The views are stored into a collection
that have names attached to each view.  If that particular segment of code
is present, you load it in the area on the master document with the same

I have seen an include based layout work effectively, but embeded includes
is just painful for debugging.

This introduces a modualr design as you just troubleshoot one segment at a
time when you have a problem.  If you can, do not make one included area
dependent on the other.  Model-Glue has a viewstate, which has the
variables and objects stored for that display page.  Each included segment
can reference the viewstate, so this makes the master document just a
container and you do not ahve to depend on what is being loaded on the
master page.

It makes for easier debugging.


On 1/12/07, Richard Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> What are peoples different methods for displaying a design within a
> framework?
> I can think of a few but were wondering the pros and cons and if I've
> missed any better methods:
> 1.    Multiple cfincludes within a HTML file - I can see problems when
> working on outer container i.e.
> <div id="outer">
> <cfinclude template="header.cfm">
> some  code goes here
> <cfinclude template="content.cfm">
> </div>
> Changes to this file, requires changes throughout the site to all these
> file
> 2.    cfmodule to invoke custom tag - Never tried this method anyone have
> an example file I could look at?
> 3.    Have the HTML Code in a DB then parse through the result and replace
> with any dynamic elements - what happens if DB connection is down any error
> message displayed would not maintain site brand.
> 4.    Grab a static HTML file then use cfsavecontent and parsing to add in
> any desired elements. Is this an in-efficient method?
> That's all I can think of...

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