We upgraded our production servers from 7.0 to 7.0.2 yesterday, and
are now experiencing JRun service climbing to huge numbers, slowing
servers to an unusable crawl. We're running Win2K3, IIS6, JVM
1.4.2_09, backend is SQL Server 2000. They'll be alright for a bit,
then, even with very low usage, will start climbing quickly. We're
seeing java.lang.OutOfMemoryErrors at the point where the server stops
responding (or starts sending back 404s). This is a large enterprise
application, and this problem is essentially halting our ability to

We'd updated our QA environment a couple months ago with the only
issue being that installer bug that leaves an older version of a
specific jar file in the lib. Once removed any function that called
CFREPORT worked fine again, but this didn't cause our servers to hang.
(We also saw this behavior on the production upgrade and removed the
old jar file per technote instruction.)

I've not found anything obvious in searching for this problem
anywhere, and the hotfixes for 7.0.2 don't suggest that they address
anything like this. We're happy to open a support call with Adobe, but
apparently, they do not do support on the weekends and holidays
(despite the hours posted on their website), even with their Platinum
package. And even better, large portions of their site were
unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. (You'd think if they're
doing scheduled maintenance on the weekends, they'd realize that their
customers do too.)

Any help would be most appreciated.


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