It's not really JRun's fault in this instance.  Our networking group 
blocks multicast across subnets, so the traffic is cut off.  I get the 
fact that it's one of the main reasons to have multiple subnets, but 
it's a pain.  JRun will work fine, so long as the 
file is edited to reflect the search across subnets.

Matthew Williams

 AJ Mercer wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> could you explain to me what the issue is with multicast across subnets?
> We have clustering across two servers which are on different subnets. CF
> lets you set up the cluster without any problems, but the instances on the
> server on the other subnet are not being used.
> Thank you.
> On 1/24/07, Matthew Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So, my environment stands as such:
>> 7 servers, 7 clusters, and 17 CF instances.  Half have been migrated to
>> CF7, the other half are on CF6 (destined to be migrated shortly). The
>> clusters all use J2EE sessions for failover.
>> I'm having issues in one of the CF7 clusters.  Due to limitations with our
>> networking setup (no multicast allowed across subnets), I've been limited to
>> just one clustered instance of CF for 50+ applications.  This is being
>> addressed tomorrow (yay!), but it's been delayed due to issues with policy,
>> rules, etc.
>> I've finally gotten licenses and permission to install FusionReactor, and
>> I put it in place on all servers this past weekend.  I also took the liberty
>> of installing the JDBC wrapper provided by FusionReactor to get a better
>> idea of what our... uh, "intensive" apps are doing.  I noticed a HUGE spike
>> in memory usage today, and when I checked, one of our apps had taken 40
>> seconds to complete its request, of which 21 seconds were strictly database
>> related, and used several hundred megs of memory.  The result set returned
>> was over 100k records.  I'm not sure if this got loaded into a shared memory
>> scope, but it might explain why session replication is failing constantly.
>> So, does anyone have a "Best Practice" for the amount of results that
>> should be returned into a shared environment?  I'm thinking at this point
>> that there is very little need to work with more than 1000 records at a
>> given time (at least within ColdFusion... if data manipulation is required,
>> that's why stored procedures and functions exist in Oracle).  Now, with the
>> datasource wrapper within the FusionReactor JDBC calls, I CAN limit the
>> amount of information received by ColdFusion.  I just need to get another
>> set of eyes on this before I present it as a policy change.
>> Matthew Williams

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