you could use an imaginary date and <cfparam>s on the page..
<cfparam name="DateElected" default="#dateformat('01/01/9999','mm/dd/yyyy')#"/>
but it looks like your dateformat() and passing null values to it is
causing the issue..
this way, you pass an imaginary date to the database..
unless you really want nulls, then you couldnt use the dateformat there..

On 1/24/07, Bruce Sorge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an app that allows a user to enter certain dates about a candidate,
> and not all dates are required. So, what is happening is, if someone enters
> the Date Elected, and leaves the other two date fields blank, the date
> 1/1/1900 is entered by default. The form is a Flash Form and I am using the
> CFINPUT Type=DateField tag. They look like this:
> <cfinput type="datefield" name="DateElected" label="Date Elected"
> width="100" value="#DateFormat(DateElected, "mm/dd/yyyy")#">
> <cfinput type="datefield" name="AppointedDate" label="Date Appointed"
> width="100" value="#DateFormat(DateAppointed, "mm/dd/yyyy")#">
> <cfinput type="datefield" name="ResignDate" label="Date Resigned"
> width="100" value="#dateFormat(ResignDate, "mm/dd/yyyy")#">
> Neither of the three are required. So even if I do not enter a date into any
> of these fields, I get the default 1/1/1900 entered. Here is the code that
> enters the information:
> <cfinvokeargument name="DateElected" value="#Form.DateElected#"/>
> <cfinvokeargument name="AppointedDate" value="#Form.AppointedDate#"/>
> <cfinvokeargument name="ResignDate" value="#Form.ResignDate#"/>
> And here is a snipped from the CFC:
> <cfargument name="DateElected" type="string" required="no" default="">
> <cfargument name="DateAppointed" type="string" required="no" default="">
> <cfargument name="ResignDate" type="string" required="no" default="">
> and the query:
> UPDATE tblCouncilMember
>                         SET Fname = '#Arguments.Fname#',
>                             Lname = '#Arguments.Lname#',
>                             Address = '#Arguments.Address#',
>                             City = '#Arguments.City#',
>                             State = '#Arguments.State#',
>                             Zip = '#Arguments.Zip#',
>                             Phone = '#Arguments.Phone#',
>                             Email = '#Arguments.Email#',
>                             Status = '#Arguments.Status#',
>                             NC_ID = #Arguments.NC_ID#,
>                             IssuesOfConcern = '#Arguments.IssuesOfConcern#',
>                             DateElected = '#Arguments.DateElected#',
>                             DateAppointed = '#Arguments.AppointedDate#',
>                             ResignDate = '#Arguments.ResignDate#',
>                             TermLength = '#TermLength#'
>                             WHERE CouncilMemberID =
> #Arguments.CouncilMemberID#
> Thanks,
> --
> Bruce Sorge
> "I'm a mawg: half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend!"

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