they're the same.  both are comparison operators and since CF is a
typeless language, at the CF level it doesn't matter which you use.

i do use IS for comparing strings and EQ for anything else, but that's
just a matter of preference and has nothing to do with performance.

On 1/30/07, David Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If this has been through the ringer already, forgive me.  Just give me
> the verdict.  No reason to rehash anything.
> On MX 7....
> My old supervisor told me that "EQ" was better to use than "IS" when
> comparing things.  His info is usually based on fact, so I've taken
> that as rote.
> I've done some tests, but neither seems consistently victorious.
> Is there an agreed-upon conclusion on this issue, or do different
> folks have their opinions?
> I'm optomizing some code that's causing someone's server to crash.
> I'm wondering if I need to take the time to convert all the IS to EQ
> or vice versa?

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