You probably have a null value coming through...put in an or statement ...or
qryHighestNum.highestNumber is ""... So that if it is a null value or no is set to 1

If you want to see where your problem is do a cfdump (<cfdump
var="#qryHighestNum#">)  that will display your query results.

-----Original Message-----
From: Melissa Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 30 January 2007 14:30
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFset problem

I've very new to ColdFusion and need some help.  I've written a page that
has six fields:  office, year, number, title, contact and phone number.  The
first two are hidden fields have a value attached to them and the third
changes.  The user enters the title, contact and phone number and then the
data is entered into a database.  The two hidden fields are populated with
no problems. For the third field, number, a query is ran to find the highest
number in that field and then add one to it to get the next number.  When an
initial record is in the database everything works perfect however, when the
table is empty I get an error message.

It says that it cannot convert " " to a number.  I even put a cfset
statement in there to set the field to 1 but it isn't working.  Any ideas?

Below is the query to find the highest number and the cfif statement to
handle the number.  
<cfquery name="qryHighestNum" datasource="ocreodsn">
        Select Max(ReqNum) as HighestNumber
        from PrintingReq

<cfif qryHighestNum.RecordCount is 0>
                <cfset NextReqNumber = 1>
                <cfset NextReqNumber = #qryHighestNum.HighestNumber# + 1>

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