
It sounds like what you're asking for is on-demand loading of JS or 
packaging. Try taking a look at these links for suggestions:


Brad Wood wrote:
> Ok, here's a wide open question:
> We are going back through our application and trying to introduce more
> Ajax where we can to dynamically add content when we can instead of
> reloading the entire page.  Example: we often use a tabbed interface,
> and for performance reasons, we only load the content in the selected
> tab.  When the user switches tabs, why reload the entire page just to
> change one part of it?  We'll just do an Ajax call to get the content
> for that tab, and then innerHTML it in to where it would go.
> Well, this is great, but now one of the problems we are running in to is
> JavaScript libraries that we use all over the site.  For instance, we
> have a nifty little calendar drop down custom tag we use.  The calendar
> tag includes the JavaScript library it needs the first time it is
> called.  Well, what if I am ajaxing in some content that has one of
> those calendar drop downs.  How can I programmatically and consistently
> know whether the JavaScript library has already been loaded for it to
> work?  I used to just set a request variable, but that doesn't really
> apply now since the original request scope doesn't exist anymore when I
> make my Ajax call, and furthermore, content could have been removed on
> the page SINCE it originally loaded.
> My first though was to load ALL JavaScript libraries ALL the time
> whether I needed them or not.  I'm not so sure about that though,
> because it sounds like a waste of bandwidth and client memory usage.  Is
> that a valid worry?
> My second thought was to load NONE of my JavaScript libraries off the
> bat, and then load them dynamically as needed.  If I went this approach,
> I would need to either put an if statement around EVERY JS function call
> to check for it BEFORE I called it OR build a wrapper JS function and
> make EVERY JS call go through the wrapper.  I would tell it what
> function I wanted to call, and my arguments.  It would check for its
> existence and Ajax it in if necessary and THEN call it returning the
> result back to the original code.
> Am I making sense here?
> Has anyone tried this before?
> Are there any frameworks made for this?
> Am I over-thinking this?
> ~Brad

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