Please point me to any document stating as much.  Now, if the customers 
would write better code (rather their developers), I would have much 
fewer issues ;).  Since they don't, and it takes near to 6 months to a 
year to affect changes, this is the only path I have to travel down.

Please keep in mind I inherited all of this.  I never would have made 
customers have a virtual site instead of a website were we to do it all 
over again.  But we can't, there's no money in it, and it would be an 
mess to maintain SSL certs for it.

Yes I'm defensive, apologies, but there's not really much I can do 
beyond this to make our environment more stable.

Matthew Williams
Geodesic GraFX

Jochem van Dieten wrote:
> Matthew Williams wrote:
>> How am I the lucky one to find all the odd-ball issues.
> Because you don't tell your customers that running multiple clusters on 
> one server and / or multiple clusters in one site is not supported 
> beforehand :)
> Jochem

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