This is mainly to Michael D, but I thought some other feedback from others
might help with the issue...
I don't know about the rest of you, but I get (slighly) annoyed with the
messages with no subject - especially when there are several in a day, and
the replies are all "Re:" in the subject
So, what I am suggesting (if it's possible Michael...) is that if a
non-subject message comes in, it's automatically given a subject, similar to
those "CF-Talk V1 #n" messages... if Michael is feeling particularly nasty,
then something like "Lazy person who couldn't be bothered typing a Subject
#43" (heh, only kidding)
At least that way, we can find the replies easier than hunting through 20
messages with no title and the 60-70 replies which don't follow - especially
when you put your CF-Talk folder into Subject Order
Philip Arnold
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
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