On 2/2/07, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Infact I don't want to edit .cfm files I just need an online WYSIWYG HTML
> editor. Infact I was looking for a Newsletter application for my website
> that I can send some HTML pages every month for my users but couldn't find a
> proper one. Someone here said that I can use a WYSIWYG HTML editor to make
> the page and then send it to the users. What do you think? I you know a good
> newsletter application I will prefer it more than anything.

The WYSIWYG editor is a feature of the browser, not the back-end.  They are
all written in Javascript and make heavy use of built in browser objects to
handle the HTML editing.

The backend can be anything for most of these editors, because you're
essentially doing HTML editing in a textarea (not really, but essentially)..
so when you click "Save" you're just submitting a form with a bunch of HTML
code being sent as the value of one of your form fields.

Some editors include more CF integration for the instantiation of the editor
object itself, but that's just fancy ways to write the javascript.
FCKeditor has a CFC interface that you'd find very friendly.  But it's only
purpose is to create the editor object on the page itself, not really
anything else.

Many of the editors have some CF integration for browing for images and
other files as well.  I think TinyMCE does this, and so does FCKeditor.  In
either case - and in some others probably too - you can also integrate your
own file management piece, written in Coldfusion, or use a third party file
management piece, like the open source CFFM project (which I wrote).  It
integrates nicely into both TinyMCE and CFFM and offers quite a bit more
functionality than the included file managers.

Personally, I use FCKeditor in all of my work that requires an HTML editor.



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