The biggest difference for our code was that we could no longer
"shorthand" scopes.  I.e., in 5 and below, <cfset tmp.varname =
"value"> would create a scope called "tmp" and a variable named
"varname" within the tmp scope.  In MX, you need to <cfset tmp =
structnew()> and then you can <cfset tmp.varname = "value">

You might also want to look into how the application.cfc differs
from/is superior to the application.cfm file, and also look at UDF's
and CFC's and how they can improve your current codebase.

At my last full-time gig (I now primarily do contract work, which
suits me fine), our team manager decided to make the switch from CF5
to CF6.1 less than a week before a major release; it was a nightmare
in that it did not allow us sufficient time to fully test the
application.  CFMX app server tuning is also a bit more of a black art
than it was with 5 and below.


On 2/5/07, So Kenfused <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just started a new job and they are looking at moving from CF 4.5 to CF7.  We 
> do have a Dev box, so we can play a little before doing it on the production 
> boxes.
> I'm finding several posts about going from 4.5 to 5, or MX and the issues 
> people ran into however, I am wondering if anyone who has made the jump from 
> 4.5 to 7 can provide details to any issues they might have experienced.

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