At the risk of sounding like a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]&!, why would >anyone< 
want to go
backwards and use Railo?  I mean, it's still not even compatible with CF
MX.  I'm sure I speak for an extremely high percentage of CFers out there
when I say, "Thank God we're not in the pre-MX days anymore!"  (For those
who never were in the pre-MX days, trust me, you're happy about it.)

On 2/6/07, Peter Boughton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> In a month or two I'll be getting a dedicated server, and I've had a
> thought: maybe I should go for the next server spec up, get Railo
> Enterprise, and offer Railo hosting.
> (for those unaware of what Railo is, it's a really excellent CFML engine,
> better than all other CFML engines in nearly every way)
> Obviously, it would only be useful doing this if there was sufficient
> demand.
> So, is there anyone here that would potentially or definitely be
> interested in such a service? What level of hosting would you need and
> are there any specific features that you'd want?
> The server would be in a UK-based data centre, and be running on Linux.
> As well as Railo it would have PHP5 and MySQL5 - possibly other stuff
> depending on demand, feasability, etc.
> If you are potentially interested, or know anyone that might be,
> please let me know (either here or on so I can decide
> how viable it is, and if there is sufficient interest I will work out
> in more detail what would be on offer and at what cost.
> Thanks,
> Peter

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