Yep. John contacted the other projects because all of performance test 
results showed different things and were based on the way that the 
specific test owner's library handled things. So he wanted to develop a 
way that would allow all of the projects to define their approaches to 
querying the DOM. This should be very cool.


Andy Matthews wrote:
> I didn't know that about the standardization Rey. That's fantastic! 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 1:51 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: jQuery??
> If you're solely manipulating DOM components with no other effects (fading,
> sliding, et al), then DomQuery is an excellent choice. Its super fast and
> Jack is a great coder.
> Once you get into advanced functionality, though, there are dependencies for
> YUI-Ext that will exceed 6kb. At which point, you may need to consider other
> libraries which are offer a richer API at a smaller file size. Alex Russell
> of Dojo actually said that JQuery has the richest API out there during his
> post about dojo.query()'s performance results. In terms of straight DOM
> manipulation, dojo.query() is the fastest and their tests definitely show
> it.
> The jQuery team is working on improving that aspect of it and we're
> spearheading a group to standardize these tests to improve the libraries and
> provide proper results. So far, we have Jack, Alex, Andrew Dupont
> (Prototype) and Dean Edwards (cssQuery) onboard. Its going to be great for
> all of the libraries.
> Rey...
> Judah McAuley wrote:
>> Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:
>>> The size of jQuery is also considerably smaller than loading the 
>>> DomQuery library w/its dependencies.
>>> So, if you're working on a large application where you're going be 
>>> heavily relying on lots of DOM manipulation the size of the library 
>>> may not be that big of a deal. However, if you're going to be 
>>> peppering your application with this kind of interaction (or just are 
>>> working on some smaller scale
>>> sites,) then I think the small footprint of jQuery has some real
> advantages.
>> Actually, DomQuery is only 6Kb and its only dependency is 
>> YAHOO.util.Dom .. Jack also points out that the only dependency in 
>> YAHOO.util.Dom is getStyle and you could easily substitute your own.
>> The whole jQuery library compressed seems to be about 19 or 20K. I 
>> didn't see an option to get only parts of it, so there may be a way to 
>> trim that down. I tend to use quite a bit of the yui-ext library, so 
>> individual component sizes aren't a big issue for me, but I do like 
>> that you can use sections of it in your code with relatively few
> dependencies.
>> Judah

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