OK, I've watched this thread all day, reading the various posts, 
cringing at the various name calling and what not, and (though we've 
moved far into community territory) I want to chime in.

Andy Matthews is a fine developer, designer, and an all around nice guy. 
A month ago my employer hired Andy as another Senior Developer, who sits 
next to me everyday. I've known Andy for a little over a year, since I 
moved to Nashville, because he is a very active member of our ColdFusion 
User Group. He has a passion for development, a great love of good 
design, and actively supports many open source projects in some way 
shape and fashion, typically in an evangelical way and in sharing his 
knowledge. I read the various links he passed on today, paying attention 
to the message of each, and agree with most of what is put forth in the 
posts, when put into the context of a commercial venture.

I don't think that this situation/contest is in line with Andy's fears. 
I am very much supporting Sean's (and other's) standpoints, in that this 
contest is in support of a widely accepted and utilized open source 
framework. Fusebox may now be under the stewardship of TeraTech, but it 
has never been about commercial profit or gain, in and of itself, and I 
doubt that TeraTech has any intentions of doing anything differently in 
that respect. 'Spec Work' in support of an entirely non-commercial 
venture, to the benefit of any community et al, is Pro Bono work, even 
within the context of a contest.

Andy, I understand and agree with your overall view point, but I 
disagree with your stance in this context. And, I may be wrong, but I'm 
fairly sure many here probably feel the same way. The beautiful thing 
is, we have a right to our own opinions.

I'll step off my soapbox now. If anyone wants to throw some mud in my 
direction, then please do it off list so everyone can get back to the 
core purpose of CF-Talk: Discussion on development with ColdFusion.

P.S. Good Luck to anyone who participates in the contest. I'm not much 
of a designer (other than a love of CSS layout), otherwise I'd be all 
over it. I think the prizes being offered are outstanding, and should 
definitely make for some nice competition.


Steve 'Cutter' Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7
Advanced Developer

"The Past is a Memory
  The Future a Dream
  But Today is a Gift
  That's why they call it
  The Present"

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