The only thing i wasn't able to figure out from Joe's examples was doing
N-deep trees.

If you know how deep the trees are his examples work great, but if some
of the items are on node 1 and others on nodes 2 or 3 or 4 etc, it
didn't seem clear on how to get those.

Do you know what i mean?


"Dan G. Switzer, II" wrote:
> There is a non-recursive tag way to do this. However, if at all possible,
> look to the db to handle this. There's a great book by Joe Celko called "SQL
> for Smarties" that discusses a method called "Nested Tree Model" which will
> allow you to pull out data in a tree format using any standard database.
> This is much more efficient then having CF handle the tree creation for you.
> I can probably find the non-recursive tag I wrote. It basically uses a
> string sort w/a structure but it's pretty efficient. Seemed to be much more
> efficient then the recursive tag calling.
> -Dan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Freitag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 1:33 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: tree structure
> Your going to need a recursive custom tag to do this.   Here is a quick and
> dirty way to do it...
> --page.cfm--
> <cf_deletetree node="234">
> --deletetree.cfm--
> <cfquery name="data">
>         SELECT catid from tbl
>         WHERE parent = #attributes.node#
> </cfquery>
> <cfif data.recordcount>
>    <!--- recursive call --->
>    <cf_deletetree node="#data.catid#">
> </cfif>
> --
> ______________________________________________
> Pete Freitag ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> ColdFusion Developer Resources
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anuj Gakhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 1:02 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: tree structure
> I have got a databse table like this:
> catid   category   parent
> 1 auto   0
> 2 autos1  1
> 3 autos2  2
> 4  autos3  3
> 5  autos4  0
> 6 autos5  0
> 7  autos6  5
> and so on .....i can add and delete categories from the table from another
> template i have made...
> what i want is to make a tree structure of all the categories like this
> -->auto
>   -->autos1
>      -->autos2
>       -->autos3
> -->autos4
> -->autos5
>    -->autos6
> this tree structure should come dynamically and any no. of categories i add
> should be displayed here.
> i tried to do this but i got mixed up with cfloop and cfoutput and i dont
> have that much time to work on it....
> can anybody please help me out of this.....
> P.S There can be any no. of categories under another category dont
> think that there is only one subcategory under another category.
> I hope i get a solution for this here
> thanks in advance...
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