The error is:

"Error","jrpp-65","02/19/07","10:36:59","HBC","The request has exceeded 
the allowable time limit Tag: cfmail  <br>The error occurred on line 
1346., /purchase.cfm"

But the CFMail tag specified there isn't the culprit because I received 
the email alerts. Its the cfmail code thats included in the cfcatch to 
email me.

And in the server.log file, I do see this:

"Warning","jrpp-65","02/19/07","10:36:59",,"Thread: jrpp-65, processing 
template: xxxxxxxxx\purchase.cfm, completed in 63 seconds, exceeding the 
30 second warning limit"

So I'm not sure if that may give you some more info to go on.


Dave Watts wrote:
>> Let me be a bit more specific. In terms of a CF timeout, do 
>> you (or anyone reading) happen to know what exception code CF 
>> spits out?
> Is the page itself timing out, or something specific (like a CFHTTP call)
> timing out? I was assuming the latter - I honestly don't know how you'd deal
> with a page timeout here, since that's not an exception.
> In the case of a CFHTTP call, you'd set a TIMEOUT attribute. By itself, I'm
> not sure that would generate an exception - there is a THROWONERROR
> attribute, but I don't remember whether it'll cause timeouts to be caught -
> but you could try reading the return value of your CFHTTP call and catch the
> resultant error there.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
> Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
> Visit for more information!

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