Ohhhh... The "CFOscars"! (see-f-ah-s'kers) lol! :o)


Rey Bango wrote:
> I'm going to jot that suggestion down Rob.
> Thanks!
> Rey
> Robert Rawlins - Think Blue wrote:
>> Yep I'll agree, 
>> This is a fantastic idea, and I love the idea of raising awareness amongst 
>> the non-developer community about ColdFusion, the number of times I've 
>> spoken to people looking to have a site developed, ISP's and even 
>> professional development firms employing several staff and they've never 
>> heard of ColdFusion, it's amazing.
>> Next up we need someone to host an awards show for ColdFusion developed 
>> applications, issuing awards in particular categories.
>> Nice work Rey,
>> Rob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: 27 February 2007 12:23
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: GotCFM.Com is Launched - Dedicated to CF Evangelism
>> Rey,
>> Very cool idea :) When I have a few minutes of free time, I will list a
>> bunch of sites I have worked on ... Alllll ColdFusion of course!
>> .......................
>> Ben Nadel
>> Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
>> www.bennadel.com
>> Need ColdFusion Help?
>> www.bennadel.com/ask-ben/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Rey Bango [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 11:22 PM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: ANN: GotCFM.Com is Launched - Dedicated to CF Evangelism
>> Guys, for awhile, I've been griping up a storm via my blog and to
>> whomever would listen that MM & Adobe weren't doing enough to get the
>> word out about CF. And while I still think that a lot of work needs to
>> be done, I came to the realization that I also needed to do more than
>> just post gripes. I recently read this post on Ray Camden's blog:
>> http://ray.camdenfamily.com/index.cfm/2007/2/22/Help-spread-the-word-at-
>> the-Peoples-Toolbox
>> The quote that struck me was:
>> "apparently they had never heard of it, and I'm having a bit of trouble
>> convincing them that a) lots of people use ColdFusion and b) that it is
>> indeed worth adding to their site""
>> It hit me how bad of a job *all* of us have done in keeping ColdFusion
>> in the limelight. ColdFusion and CFML just celebrated its 10th year and
>> here's some new, unknown site questioning CF's worthiness. I was
>> floored.
>> So I decided to use a domain that I've had sitting around for some time
>> as a vehicle for CF-related evangelism.
>> http://www.gotcfm.com/
>> I am looking at GotCFM.com as a VERY niche site that's whole focus is to
>> have information to help promote CF-related technologies. It won't allow
>> people to search for the best way to create a CFC or which custom tag is
>> available for zip code locations. There are plenty of top-notch sites
>> for that. I want to build a place where anyone can go to find specific
>> information such as:
>> - A continuously updated list of sites using CF
>> - Information on how to position CF within your company
>> - Information on specific features that make CF better than other
>> technologies
>> - Case studies on successful implementations of CF
>> - "Powered by" buttons
>> - Banner ads that can be added to your site to promote your favorite CF
>> engine
>> Some of you may say, "Well, Ben Forta already keeps a list of sites
>> using CF", and that's certainly true. Ben has done a great job over the
>> years of trying to get a nice list of sites. But, by no fault of Ben,
>> its not all encompassing, its not up-to-date and it doesn't appear to
>> include sites built using other technologies like Ralio, Coral or
>> BlueDragon. We don't just need a list of Adobe ColdFusion powered sites.
>> We need a list of ALL *CFML* powered sites. And we need a method of
>> allowing people to submit these sites themselves.
>> I hope to flush it out further, especially if I can get community
>> support. I hope that this type of site, dedicated solely to methods of
>> bi-partisan CF evangelism, will help spread the word about CFML.
>> I've already received support from New Atlanta and hope to soon get the
>> support of Adobe, Ralio and the whole CF-Community.
>> Your feedback is welcome and your involvement would definitely be
>> appreciated. You can start by submitting sites that powered by *ANY*
>> CFML engine. That would be a great first step. If you have other ideas
>> for the site, please let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> Rey Bango...

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