Hmm. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for...

But I think you might want this:

<A HREF=showallitems.cfm?category=a>Category A</A>
<A HREF=showallitems.cfm?category=b>Category B</A>
<A HREF=showallitems.cfm?category=c>Category C</A>
<A HREF=showallitems.cfm?category=d>Category D</A>

When you go to showallitems.cfm, it builds this list:

<A HREF=showitem.cfm?item=a1>Item A1</A>
<A HREF=showitem.cfm?item=a2>Item A2</A>
<A HREF=showitem.cfm?item=a3>Item A3</A>
<A HREF=showitem.cfm?item=a4>Item A4</A>

These lists are built from queries (is THAT the bit you want to know about?)

So the list in menu.cfm above is built from a query that SELECTs all
categories.  You then use CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT to loop through the query
results and build the categories menu.

So the code for menu.cfm looks like this:
<CFQUERY NAME=Categories DATASOURCE=mydatabase>
        SELECT * FROM CategoriesTable

        <A HREF=showallitems.cfm?category=#CategoryID#>#CategoryName#</A>

Then the code for showallitems.cfm look like this:
        SELECT * FROM ItemsTable
        WHERE CategoryID=#URL.category#

        <A HREF=showitem.cfm?item=#ItemID#>#ItemName#</A>

Then you have showitem.cfm, etc.

Is the answer in there somewhere? ;-)

Lee (Bjork) Borkman ColdFusion Tags by Bjork

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

I see where you are ging with this and this is what I intended to do for an
"item details page". What I need to do first is to display a single page
with all the items from a selected category in a list. Then the user can
select a particular item to get more information. I do have CFWAK 4.0 and
can't seem to find a refrence to doing exactly what I want. I did however
learn how to do the details page from Ben's book. As far a fuseBox is
concerned, I have looked into it and decided I needed to learn more CF
basics before I jumped on that. :)

How can I have a page where link "a" displays all items in category "a" and
so on for each category?

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