
Not my choice, working on a site where they can't afford to move the  
If it was my choice, I'd rewrite the damn thing from scratch in CF

On 2 Mar 2007, at 11:24, Peter Boughton wrote:

> There isn't one.
> You can mimic it with Apache stuff - but why bother when its far  
> better to stick to the glorious CFML and not have to worry about  
> stuff like this.
> Perhaps you could say why you want to use PHP, so we can convince  
> you that your reasons are worthless and you should stay with us. ;)
>> Hi All,
>> Sorry for the OT:
>> I'm new to PHP, and am trying to find out if there is the equivalent
>> of application.cfc onrequest() function:
>> I.e, I want to be able to do this, without having to put the includes
>> in every file....:
>> <cffunction name="onrequest">
>> <cfargument name="targetpage'' required="yes">
>> <cfinclude template="header.html">
>> <cfinclude template="#targetpage#>
>> <cfinclude template="footer.html">
>> </cffunction>
>> Help?
>> Many thanks
>> T

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