This is kinda what we do, except we have a Gateway which accepts xml as
input, you pass in the component/function you want to call, plus all the
arguments etc.  The system knows if and when you pass in incorrect params
and handles it all for you...we have an External Request and an Internal
Request method for deciding how to pass info/data back to the client.

All of it is logged (as XML and with a bank of custom error codes) which
allows us to "replay" calls and processes for debugging.

As noted, we have a nifty CFC to convert any and all CF objects (complex or
otherwise) to XML (and back again if needs be) so the client will always get

I wouldn't trust passing back a ColdFusion object back at all, I would go
with string XML 100%.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Mueller
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Fri Mar 02 22:13:13 2007
Subject: Re: Create a webservice that returns a structure, to be consumed by

After a bit of reflection, I'm taking both suggestions.  Per Rick's
suggestion, I'm creating a wrapper function that just calls the "real"
function.  The wrapper is the webservice version of the function, and takes
all the "real" function arguments, and an additional "returnformat"
argument.  This argument can be, for now, "querystring","xml", or "struct".

If the caller chooses querystring, then I return a URL encoded querystring
for the results (replacing the ampersand with pipes as the outer
delimiters).  If the caller chooses xml, then I return xml as a string that
the caller can then re-serialize into an XML document.  If we have any
partners that use CF, then they can get a struct back.

Thanks to all for the advice.

For anybody who's interested, here's my "formatreturn" code, plus one
supporting function (note: this code only works on structures that have
simple values--if the structure values are arrays, queries, etc, then this
code bombs):

<cffunction name="formatreturn" access="package" returntype="any"
 <cfargument name="struct" type="struct" required="true">
 <cfargument name="conversion" type="string" required="false"
 <cfset var res = "">
 <cfset var value = "">
 <cfswitch expression=#arguments.conversion#>
   <cfcase value="querystring">
        <cfloop collection=#arguments.struct# item="key">
          <cfset value = structfind(arguments.struct,key)>
           <cfif NOT len(value)><cfset value="[empty string]"></cfif>
           <cfset res = listappend(res,"#key#=#value#","|")>
        <cfset res = urlencodedformat(res)>

    <cfcase value="xml">
     <cfset res = this.structToXml(arguments.struct,"results")>

    <cfcase value="struct">
     <cfreturn arguments.struct>

     <cfreturn "">
   <cfreturn res>


<cffunction name="structToXML" returnType="string" access="package"
        <!--- Apparently, using the underlying Java code is far faster than
CF stuff --->
        <cfargument name="struct" type="struct" required="true">
        <cfargument name="rootelement" type="string" required="true">
        <cfset var s =
createObject('java','java.lang.StringBuffer').init('<?xml version="1.0"
        <cfset var key = "">

        <cfset s.append("<#arguments.rootelement#>")>   
        <cfloop collection=#arguments.struct# item="key">
                <cfset key = lcase(key)>

        <cfset s.append("</#arguments.rootelement#>")>
        <cfreturn s.toString()>         

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