I for one am glad to hear you say that Rey. :o)


Rey Bango wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> As Andy mentioned, the list is moderated to prevent things such as:
> - Bogus websites
> - Spam
> - Sites that contain any type of inappropriate content such as racism, 
> hate-groups, illegal porn and that sort of stuff
> And just so everyone knows, I'm very lenient in terms of which CF sites 
> are included into the list but reserve the right to *NOT* add or 
> completely remove a site of they fall into any of the categories above.
> Rey....
> Christopher Jordan wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> I just posted two sites, and they're not showing on the list yet. Is 
>> there a delay between sites being submitted and when they show on the 
>> list, or do I need to re-add the sites?
>> Chris

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