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> I am making a small web application where  in a
> candidate will be able to write his test on the web 
> once he applies for a post.So i am making an on-line
> test paper.
> Since no huge data storage is required, so i want to
> develop this application purely file based..i mean i
> dont want to use database n i have designed the
> application  also using files in such a way that it is
> scalable.I am using CFHTtP tag to convert the data in
> the files into query variables.
> But now what i want to know 
> 1> Is this the better way?

Not a chance....

> 2> Will this improve the speed as no database
> connection is required? 

Also, not a chance...

> 3> how much the performance will be effected postive
> or negative way? 

Given the number of problems that various folks have had with CFHTTP,
and also given the overhead & complexity in having the CFServer make
another HTTP request to itself, wait for data to be received, parsing
the text into a query, and sending it back to calling CFM as a
query......  I don't think there's any way in heaven, heck, or earth
that you will gain any performance.  It would certainly *work*, but
there's no way it would scale as well as using a database -- even MS

Is there any particular reason you *don't* want to use a database? 
Other than any perceived performance hit, I can't think of any
reasons; and using CFHTTP as you described certainly wouldn't improve
performance over using a database.

> Well i hope the experienced developers here will share
> their experiences.
> Actually i want to know which is better ,database or
> file system? for developing a small application.
> Plz share ur views with me on advantges n
> disadvantages of using of each one of them.

There really aren't a whole lot of advantages to using the file
system as you described instead of a database.  The only possible
situation where the file system would be better is if your host
absolutely prohibits you from using a database OR if you don't have
MS Access, but that's fairly reasonably priced software IMHO.  If you
can afford CFServer, then MS Access should be pocket change.... 
Granted, Access has a learning curve, but you should be able to pick
up the basics in a couple of days if you don't already know how to
use it.

Negatives for using the file system include:
* MUCH slower
* Not scaleable
* Much more storage required -- depending on the file 
  system, each "entry" could use anywhere from 
  8-32K of storage even if the data stored is only 
  one byte!

In short, use a database.  They're really not all that bad...

Best regards,
Zac Bedell

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