> We use the application.cfm to set certain variables like the 
> datasource.  I am migrating some of our older code to use CF 
> components.  For some reason, I am running into a issue where 
> the component cannot see the variable.
> I am calling it like this...
> <cfinvoke component="functions" method="cancelOrder">
>      <cfinvokeargument name="primarydatasource" 
> value="#primarydatasource#"> </cfinvoke>
> but the function doesn't know what #primarydatasource# is. Even
> when I try and to include a cfargument in the function, it 
> still won't find it.
> <cfcomponent>
>      <cffunction name="cancelOrder">
>           <cfargument name="primarydatasource" default = 
> "#primarydatasource#">
> The only way I can get it to work is to use this line instead 
> of the one above.
>      <cfargument name="primarydatasource" default = 
> "#application.primarydatasource#">
> What am I doing wrong?

Is the variable in the Application scope? If so, you need to specify that
when you try to reference it. This has nothing to do with components.

Inside a component, you will not be able to reference local variables from
the page that called the component.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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