I guess I was thinking of something a bit more relational (2 tables: [id,name] 
[id,sameAsID]), but your example would do the trick :). 

However I could see this becoming an additional bottleneck in our system. We 
often have tables with tens or hundreds of thousands of records, and there are 
a number of checks that already are ran on each record to determine if a 
duplicate entry has been entered - we have seen this process take the bulk of a 
day with a large enough database. 

General overview: To initialize a project, a list of clients (people) is dumped 
into our database (usually from a spreadsheet). As the project goes on, we may 
add more entries to the database, delete entries (which is actually just an 
inactive flag), and modify entries to correct addresses, phone numbers, etc. 
There are a number of places that we may receive these updates from (phone, 
mail, etc) so there is a good chance that duplicates will be entered. While the 
system tries to eliminate duplicates on entry, it isn't able to catch all 

Now that I think about it, maybe I'm looking at the wrong approach... There's 
always the potential for type-o's and I would like to catch those too ("Robert" 
vs "Roebrt") -- obviously this would be beyond the capabilities of a smart name 
search (unless i started entering in potential type-o's into the smart names 
database - ick). 

Has anyone else dealt with this type of scenario?


> I've done something similar with part numbers.  The hard part isn't 
> doing lookups -- one table, three columns (id, name1, name2), two 
> subselects -- the hard part is populating that table.
> I'm happy to show you how to do the lookup, but do you have a plan for 
> populating the table?
> --Ben Doom
> Jake Pilgrim wrote:
> > Has anyone implemented "smart names" (i.e. a search for "Bob" would 
> match "Bobby" or "Robert") functionality in Coldfusion? Anyone have 
> any examples I can view?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Jake Pilgrim
> > 
> > 

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