Morning Andrew,

Glad I'm not the only one that's been working along similar lines with this
one. I essentially work with the same method as you, I have a bunch of user
objects which manage the profiles, credentials and roles, then in effect I
have my user 'factory', although its not a factory in the strictest term as
it doesn't actually generate the other beans, that is handled by coldspring
for me, but it does give me a tidy point of contact for the thing, so you're
right that you could probably classify this as a user 'service'.

If you have any ideas I would be keen to hear them. Especially on the more
security oriented elements like protection again session hijacking and
thing, which I know a little about, but not enough that I'm comfortable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 08 March 2007 09:04
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: User Authentication


Just seems strange I just had to implement this the last few days too. Now
there maybe a better way but this is how it folded out based on the
requiements of my application.

The first problem I faced was that a user could only be signed in once. So
the only way I cold see this and with other requirements was to hold a
collection of user objects. The user object just holds all the information I
need, so in a sense its a userService (is that right, or would user object
surfice) anway. In that object it also holds the users roles, and

Now to encapsulate that I have a userFactory, that returns the, finds or
checks if the user is logged in etc. And basically is the front line to the
user object.

But I still have the oppurtunity to modify my approach too, so I can take
more suggesations here as well.

Andrew Scott

On 3/8/07, AJ Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how about having the user.cfc expose all the functions from the other CFCs
> and it calls the correct function?
> so Session.User.getProfile().getName()
> would become Session.User.getName()
> where getName() calls Profile.getName()
> On 3/7/07, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue <
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > Wanted to run a couple of ideas past you with regards to a comprehensive
> > user authentication system. Basically the system needs to be a 'role' or
> > 'entitlements' based security system, so all users can login using the
> > same
> > process, they are then offered access to particular tasks dependant on
> > their
> > entitlements or roles.
> >
> >
> >
> > Now my thoughts are to have 4 CFC's that control this my user. The first
> > of
> > which is my User.cfc which contains the most basic of information, and
> > almost acts as a container for my other user related cfc's, this would
> sit
> > in the session scope and could be accessed via something like
> > 'session.user'.
> >
> >
> >
> > The user.cfc then has instances of my 3 other user beans, the first of
> > which
> > being Profile.cfc which contains the general non security related
> > information for my user, such as their name, postal and email address
> and
> > suchlike. So if you wanted to access the users profile information you
> can
> > do Session.User.getProfile().getName() and it would return the users
> name
> > for output.
> >
> >
> >
> > The next bean is what I would call 'credentials' and this contains the
> > core
> > security data, such as the 'Username', 'Password' and 'IsAuthenticated'
> > settings, then at any point if I require that information I can access
> it
> > through 'session.user.getCredentials()' This way once the user has
> logged
> > in
> > for the first time, I can set the value of that bean
> > VARIABLE.isAuthenticated = true, then for future references I could
> simply
> > pull on 'Session.User.getCredentials().isAuthenticated()' and it would
> > return true or false if the user is logged in or not.
> >
> >
> >
> > Finally I plan to have an 'Entitlements.cfc' which basically contains an
> > array of 'entitlements' that are built when the user logs in from a
> table
> > in
> > the database. So if I need to authorize a user for a specific task I can
> > go
> > 'Session.User.getEntitlements().IsEntitled("DeleteUser")' and it would
> > search the array for that entitlement and return true or false if they
> are
> > entitled or not.
> >
> >
> >
> > I just wanted to run this rough plan past you guys to catch your
> thoughts
> > on
> > it, does that make sense or is there a better way of handling a role
> based
> > authentication system?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks guys,
> >
> >
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> >
> >

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