On 3/7/07, Jochem wrote:
> Robert Rawlins said:
> >
> > The first element that confuses me is this use of 'views' and
> > how I should be applying them to me project. Should I be creating a
> > view for every page in my application, or is the idea that each view
> > forms a 'widget' and then pages can be  assembled from several
> > views?
> You can do both.

I do both.  But this is my hardest area-- separating the view from
the code, as some code almost always has the same view, and
I like to just call a function to spit it out formatted where I want it.

I hear people go "view stuff in a CFC! Yeeech!" so my mentality
hasn't quite got this aspect, I reckon.  (other than: a simple refresh
works with a cfm file, but I gotta re-init for objects- yup, I'm getting
there fast ;)

For instance, my "actionpacks" add their "view" directories when
the controller is init-- that's the closest I've come so far to keeping
with the basic idea yet avoiding adding redundant text.  :-/


> > Next I wanted to quickly cover the process of retrieving query data
> > into my view. On occasion I find myself needing un-manipulated query
> > data in my views, is it 'proper' of me to have my controller
> > speak directly to the ORM and collect that? Or should I always
> > request it through my model?
> I would recommend putting an object in your model that returns queries.

And the funny thing is how easy it is to get around "blocks", as in the
above example.  I keep using getMG().getORM() type stuff, which for
sure is a no-no, but hell, isn't that part of the reason we use MG?  Eh...

> Another quick point with regards to controllers, how do you guys
> > deal with separating your controllers? Should I be building them per
> > task? So one controller for my Shopping Cart, one for my Reporting
> > and another for User Information and so forth?
> That is pretty much what we do.

Me too.  And I do the same with the coldspring file, when it's too big,
or the reactor file, when it's too big.  Sometimes I start out with 'em
all separate, if I know it's gonna be a big project (like any aren't ;).

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