And what do you tell a customer who wants to see a shiny w3c button on their 
page like so many other web sites? They don't want to usually hear oh sorry 
ColdFusion can't do that if you I any one of these dozen tags etc /shrug. It 
gives a bad impression on both the language, and the developer in some 
respects. The attitude of eh who cares though is a weird one. If I started 
saying I was putting all my presentation code in my CFC, I'd not get a similar 
response from a portion of those same people. Go all the way or don't just sit 
in the shallow end imo :)

I was a web standards based developer in a shop that touted web standards based 
design methodologies before I was a ColdFusion developer ... so I'll probably 
never be swayed I suppose. :)

(lots of smilies faces to convey my tone since its not meant as a harsh tone :P)

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