To see all elements returned in a query structure:
<CFDUMP VAR="#query_name#">

You are on track with the form/checkbox option by storing the filename in a
db to be displayed later. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Imperial [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 11:03 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: query on cfdirectory

Hi folks,
in need of some help with a couple of things here that I'm wanting to do.
Not really sure where or how to start ......Firstly, I have a couple of
directories (songs,docs) that I do a simple display of with cfdirectory and
cfloop query to display names. What I am attempting to do is provide a way
for people to select a number of songs/docs from each of these directories
to store or write to a file for others to view as a current song type thing.

I'm thinking about just doing a simple form/checkbox scenario to flag the
items, then store in a db and pulling those for display on the other end? I
guess I'm asking what might be the best approach for this? Secondly, my mind
is wandering/wondering and trying to get a better understanding of what is
returned by a query in this situation, are the only things returned, the
elements outlined in livedocs?? I'm needing a somewhat visual between the
whole array/query thing and what I've been reading so far seems too vague
for my feeble mind to figure out. Any help or direction on any of the above
would be greatly appreciated.

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