I believe the way you are using VSS is using the lock-modify-unlock
model for source control.  Subversion uses a different model, the
copy-modify-merge model.  We used VSS prior to moving to SVN, and some
of the decision makers had concerns with switching to a model where
multiple developers had the ability to modify the same code.  Since we
have moved to SVN and embraced its model, we have seen dramatic
increases in productivity as well as code stability.  We have over
15,000,000 lines of code in our application, and the only times
conflicts occur is when people are working on the same area of the
application and making conflicting changes (which usually means a lack
of communication somewhere).  If you are set on attempting to use the
lock-modify-unlock model, you can access information on it at
http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.2/svn.advanced.locking.html (though I
*highly* recommend NOT using that model).

We have a quite a few developers on our team that choose to use
Dreamweaver as their IDE.  There are a few software solutions that allow
direct SVN manipulation from within DW, but are all purchased
components.  Instead of using these 3rd party components, we have all
developers (not using Eclipse) to use TortoiseSVN and use windows
explorer integration to perform all SVN operations.

Good luck and HTH,

Rich Kroll

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
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