On 3/9/07, Pete Ruckelshaus wrote:

> Is this indeed true that MySQL doesn't seem to like the cfqueryparam
> tag?  If so, does the same hold true for MySQL 5?

What driver are you using for the connection to the MySQL database? I just
had a similar sounding problem related to that:

MySQL (both 4.0 and 5.0 series) is fine with CFQUERYPARAM, but I did run
into an odd INSERT problem recently. I coded and tested a small application,
which used CFQUERYPARAM, successfully on my workstation, but when I sent the
work-so-far to the person who will eventually deploy the finished version,
the INSERT query threw an error on his system, with the message "unknown
types value".

It took a while to figure out, but the killer difference was the database
driver. He was apparently using the CFMX7 built-in driver, which seemed to
be OK when configured, but failed on the insert statement, whereas I had the
MySQL Connector/J installed and was using that for the database connection.
He installed and configured that on his system and the problem went away.

It did continue to throw the same error, in the same place, with that one
CFQUERYPARAM removed, but I never did try it with *all* of them removed from
the query.

<http://wantonline.com/blog/index.cfm/2006/3/2/MySQL-5-and-CFMX-7> has a
link to the Connector/J and some info on how to set it up if you need to do

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