Along the lines of what Tom said, but something totally different, is the
use of syncML.

There's an awesome project now called funambol that is shweeet for
doing sync type stuff, works with mobile phones, PDAs, and all
kinds of stuff.

Way off the path for most folks 'round here, I reckon, but a pretty nifty
way of getting "mobile", perhaps.  I've only used it for syncing calendars
and contacts, but I did it for phone > palm > pocketpc, all synced up
to the same data.  Pretty slick.  Worked where other stuff didn't.

Just another log for the old noggin fire...

On 3/13/07, Tom M wrote:
> There's also the "old-technology" method, if you're going to support only a
> single OS, and that's by creating an actual conduit, rather than relying on
> a PDA's browser. This is a better solution in some cases, such as when the
> data entry needs to be done in a field situation, with the sync coming
> later. It also allows you to create an interface that's most appropriate for
> the device.
> We've used this for years in a situation where users need to take machinery
> readings manually during the day, then sync with the site at day's end.
> This may or may not fit your situation; but building Palm apps, for
> instance, is not particularly hard.
> --
> Thanks,
> Tom

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