As well as the Interface Plugin for the JQuery library

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Katz, Dov B (IT) wrote:
> There are a lot of ajax libs out there which do parts of this...
> YUI's drag/drop sortable lists is one I'd recommend taking a look at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:39 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: OT JS - Moving elements in page
> Cheers for the advice all.
> This is what I've come up with so far:
> Only tested on IE 6.0 at this stage.
> If you look into the code you might come up with a better way of working
> out what elements can be moved with in a given parent. I'm not happy
> with using an ID prefix to determine the sibling elements but I can't
> think of a better way at this point.
> Adrian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 22 March 2007 14:19
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: OT JS - Moving elements in page
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Adrian Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 7:20 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: OT JS - Moving elements in page
>>I'm just about to get started with working out how to moving divs up 
>>and down a page so the divs below...
>><div id="div1">First</div>
>><div id="div2">Second</div>
>><div id="div3">Third</div>
> I've a soon-to-be-officially-released component that should help with
> this
> here:
> DP_P
> anelManager/Index.cfm
> The documentation isn't complete (I've not yet added examples) but all
> of the component docs are done (methods and properties and such).
> This is a small (kinda - only 18kb), relatively simple object that
> offers a lot of DHTML help.
> Basically you set up a "PanelManager" (a container for all your panels)
> like
> so:
> MyPanels = new DP_PanelManager();
> You then add panels (pretty much any HTML element - but Divs are the
> obvious choice).  To add your DIVs do:
> div1 = MyPanels.addPanel("div1");
> div2 = MyPanels.addPanel("div2");
> div3 = MyPanels.addPanel("div3");
> Now every DIV you've added has access to the properties and methods
> listed under "Panel Properties and Methods".  You can simply manage
> content loading (with script activation), visibility, display, position,
> opacity and size.
> You can even do simple animations.
> I've created a reference to each panel by assigning the output of the
> "addPanel" method (which is a reference to element) to a variable but
> you could also just use document.getElementById() if you like.  Remember
> the methods are now attached to element not to the manager!
> To swap two elements is pretty easy (this is off the top of my head code
> - I'm not in a position to test it).  So, to swap div1 and div2 do
> something like this.
> You need to get the position of the divs:
> CurDiv1Pos = div1.getPosition();
> CurDiv2Pos = div2.getPosition();
> Now set the positions (in every case - opacity, position, size, etc -
> the output of the "get" method can be used as input to the "set"
> method):
> div1.setPosition(CurDiv2Pos);
> div2.setPosition(CurDiv1Pos);
> You could also easily animate the change:
> div1.shiftPosition(CurDiv2Pos);
> div2.shiftPosition(CurDiv1Pos);
> Note of course that all of this is pretty simplistic.  There are several
> much more feature-rich libraries (such as Dojo or the YUI) that will
> offer significantly more.  But they are also larger and more complex.
> My goal to create small, self-contained components that are simple to
> use and easy to integrate.
> As I said the component hasn't really been released yet.  It's not been
> tested outside my house.  If you do try it please let me know what you
> think or if you find any errors.
> Hope this helps.
> Jim Davis

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