There are two reasons my organization encourages/forces all SQL to be in stored 
procedures. And they don't directly touch on performance.

1. A belief that keeping SQL code in the database is of itself a good thing. By 
keeping the database interaction in the database you make it easier for DBA's 
to do their job. Especially when a query goes awry, and your SQL server starts 
bombing.  It's in my humble opinion easier to troubleshoot SQL problems on the 
SQL server when the actual SQL is present. Especially during a crisis. 

Now, if you're a one person development team, or all of your CF developers are 
also doing their own DBA work it might not make a whole lot of sense for this 

However, having all of the SQL there allows you to more easily use SQL tuning 
tools, which can improve indexing, which can make either inline queries or 
stored procedures run faster. 

2. It forces developers to concentrate on the database first, as that seems to 
be the hardest thing to change once an application gets past the planning stage.

Granted this is just enforcing good programming practices (taking a good long 
look at the database in this case) through policy. But considering that the 
database side of things was causing the majority of our server problems, it was 
the right call.


Someone who tells you that all stored procedures are faster than inline queries 
is wrong.
Someone who tells you that all stored procedures are "better", is probably 
Someone who tells you that stored procedures are better for their organization, 
group or specific problem might be right.

Terrence Ryan
Senior Systems Programmer
Wharton Computing and Information Technology       
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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