Here are my thoughts....

On 3/23/07, stylo stylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thinking about a viviotech vps but I'm not an admin and never used linux.
> Wondering how hard it would be and what people are using there. I've
> searched and read the good feedback. It's either that or shared hosting
> somewhere like hostmysite/ct.
> I know there is a managed solution but wondering if I could toy with an
> unmanaged one and set it up slowly myself. Would like to hear from anyone
> but especially people who were in the same boat.

Out of the box, the Viviotech VPSs are pretty easy to manage, if you are
happy with the default setup... I'm more of al inux person so I actually
configured and installed my own mail server (qmail) instead of using  the
default (postfix)... but there's really no need for that.

> Is a basic package with 256mb enough for Bluedragon and mysql4/5 on a not
> too busy niche commerce site? I thought much more memory would be needed.

I run on a VPS.. it's not a particularly active web
site... it's running BlueDragon and currently is only using 75MB of 256MB
physical memory, though the swap file is using 400MB of 512MB....

I've never had a problem with response time on it though.

> Find much difference between BD and cfmx on linux? (I know the tag
> differences.)

For basic CFML functionality, bluedragon is a pretty good substitute.  I try
to make sure all my open source software runs on Bluedragon, and don't
usually have much trouble at all.  CFMBB, imageCFC, CFOpenChat, BlogCFM,

> Are there problems monitoring BD in case it pegs the cpu? I know you can't
> use cfmx monitors. What do people do? (I also don't want to be tied to a
> computer 24hrs a day.) Big issue, small issue?

I don't use any monitors on the VPS and I don't think I've ever had a
problem with Bluedragon crashing.  Current uptime is 131 days.

> What sort of monitoring does viviotech do for you themselves?

On the unmanaged VPS, I'm not sure they do any monitoring, but you'd have to
ask them to be sure.

> Is it a full-time job for you now monitoring the site yourself and jumping
> in to fix things all the time?

I suppose that depends on your web site.  I don't monitor,
I've made very few changes to it over the years, and it quite happily runs
itself.  The only thing I've really done to it in the last two years is post
his blog entries for him.

> How difficult was it to set up such an environment there with a couple
> extra very minor domains, ftp, email and such?

CP+ makes this all relatively easy.

> Do you install phpadmin to handle mysql, or something else? I'm not really
> a command-line guy.

You can do that.. or get a GUI to run on your desktop and just grant
privileges (through CP+) allowing you to access MySQL remotely.

> What were the biggest hurdles you faced going it alone?

Changing the initial setup from Postfix to Qmail... I'm pretty good with
qmail but figuring out how to get CP+ to itnegrate with qmail was a little
difficult.. lots of different settings.  You should be fine with postfix


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